The Leading Ladies of Economic Development

Community Resilience and Growth Post-9/11│Sue Matton

June 14th, 2024

Sue Matton, from the North Country Chamber of Commerce, shares her journey in economic development, from overcoming post-9/11 regulatory challenges to establishing a pilot school for foreign students and advocating for changes in U.S. laws. We'll discuss the North American Center of Excellence for Transportation Equipment and the significance of community preparedness for unexpected events like base closures, natural disasters, and the pandemic. Sue offers insights into forming professional teams, mentorship, and attracting international businesses, particularly from Quebec.

In this episode, we explore:

  • Establishing the pilot school in Plattsburgh for foreign students after the 9/11 regulations
  • The importance of community preparedness in the face of unexpected events
  • What are "red carpet" meetings?
  • How often should teams prepare for conversations to stay updated with new laws and industry concerns?
  • The role of mentorship in economic development

“Being able to be there for the long haul and be willing to spend that time and that effort to maintain your companies and maintain those relationships is something I think is very important”

Resources and Links
North Country Good Life
North American Center of Excellence for Transportation Equipment
Connect with Sue on LinkedIn